Friday, March 20, 2009


ForumUser named, "JimmyZ" wrote:

"This thread is about what we make it.Are you trying to tell fellow members what a thread should or shouldn't be "about"?We are the content.The content is us."


ForumTopicThreadTitle: "Natasha Richardson Dies In Ski Fall"

Friday, January 30, 2009


One of the cutest comments I've read on the internet:

"So, I wondered, since Homer's stories were shaped as they were passed from person to person and generation to generation, were The Iliad and The Odyssey the first examples of User Generated Content?" -- Arianna Huffington, from her blog, 01302009

OnEdit: adding link to where this comment is from and my comments about it at HuffingPost:
(double-click to highlight, right-click to pull-up menu, choose 'copy', then paste to another browser tab or window. The entire addy will not display as the line is too long for the page).

Friday, May 16, 2008


[quote="irishstiff"]We simply need to explore, produce, and refine more. There is plenty of resources available but our green policies have killed us.

In 95 Clinton vetoed the ANWAR bill. He said it would take 10 years to make it work. Well, that 10 years has come and gone. We sure could use that oil now.[/quote]



:clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

That's the AfterBurn of higher-ed, people that sit around in offices concocting FEARS IN THEIR HEADS, then PUNISHING everybody ELSE for it.[/quote]


Their reply:

[b]Thank You![/b][/quote]



Sunday, March 30, 2008


From the following Forum:

Forum-user named "GeoLibertarian" responding to Forum-user named "James"

[quote="Geolibertarian"][quote="James"]There are better ways to regulate the financial industry than this. Looks like a power grab to me.[/quote]

(GeoLibertarian wrote:) Practically [i]everything[/i] is a glorified power grab these days, because the power-obsessed parasites who've hijacked our government know that the distraction-obsessed masses would rather climb Mount Everest to spend three hours watching TV than stand still and spend three [i]minutes[/i] engaging in critical thinking about political issues that dramatically affect their everyday lives.


Thursday, March 30, 2006


[quote="Nine_Enigmas"]Proof, in a discussion about anything save mathematics, cannot be verbatim accomplished. "Period."

That said, the fundamental failure of your reasoning - insofar as I can determine - comes from a fallacy of identity. You are presuming that the group "Muslim" is a single identity, much as we might say "Joe" or "Jane."

You are taking an act - or even, lets say, a trend - and attributing it to a given concept when no such causal relation is evident. An instantiation of this, which is often (and rightly) decried, is the attribution of fringe lunatics to the main body of any demographic. "America hating" Democrats berating wounded troops. Crazed Republicans with nothing save a copious amount of crosses and a fire-n-brimstone religiosity. Flamboyantly effusive homosexuals.

In an effort to demonize and separate that which we cannot rationally divorce ourselves from en totem, we contrive differences that don't truly exist. There are good people and there are bad people. There are sane people and there are insane people. There are greedy people and there are giving people. The lines that can be drawn between human and human lay not in sand, religious texts or ephemeral philosophies - not even in the cosmetic difference of race and appearance. It lay entirely in the character of their being.[/quote]

Friday, December 16, 2005

New Entry - Friday, Dec 16, 2005

Premeditated killing is in cold blood, in ALL cases. And there's no way in hell you can make a case that state executions are not premeditated.

... act of execution requires the services of someone who has the capacity to kill someone who can not possibly harm them.

That, alone, should set off all kinds of alarms...

... complete perversion of everything this country stands for.[/quote]


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Forum 'Thread' Hall Of Fame Best Quotes

A collection of quotes from the world's best Forums:


Sometimes humerous,
Sometimes sad,
Sometimes outrageous,
Sometimes profoundly beautiful,
Sometimes thought-provoking ...
Statements, thoughts, and words that struck me :

All-Time Best Quote:
**Best humor**
**Best Wit**
**Best Advice**
***Most Appeal***

"Aaaaacccchhhhooooooo! Excuse me ... I'm contentious." -- Thaanatos - 11/02[/quote]

"Let's not start agreeing on things ... no tellin' where that might lead." -- SJHawk42 - 12/03[/quote]

Deadly serious:
"The "Al Qaeda did 'it'" conspiracy is even MORE preposterous, AFAIK, no one has ever even proven that 'it' exists" -- 'RidinShotgun' - 01/04
( cwinton's note: AFAIK = 'AsFarAsIKnow')[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

Still, the attempt at Circumstantial Ad Hominem was PRETTY NEAT. -- (get name) - 01/04[/quote]

Maybe you should actually do a little investigating before you take your poly-anarchry-quasi-communist-revolution-wahtever ass to the polling booth. -- IConservativeI - 01/04[/quote]

"i have practically nothing, and yet i have everything." -- Wihinape - 11/03[/quote]

"...and they wonder why many of us are as angry as we are, why we aren't more patient and accepting of them and of the fact that we're too @#%$ different and complicated for the normals ('neocons') to understand. but look around - can you blame us?" -- SuperKasper - 12/03
"Indeed, I am cheerful to not be so blind. SuperKasper unwittingly speaks for billions on this planet. Republicans speak for a handful of billionaires that YOU support." -- cwinton - 12/03[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe." (unknown) - 01/04[/quote]

Meanwhile, a bunch of non-famous people die elsewhere.. -- Aoi Neko - 01/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

"This from the 'sad-but-true' department." -- EvilDrPuma - 01/04[/quote]

Most Spinelessly Sad:
"I really never intended to insult anyone anywhere. I am to old for that so I shall ban myself from further participation on any ezboards, change my screen name, and just troll from now on in private." -- Druid - 01/04[/quote]

"Don't read my posts then; that simple." -- ElSteve - 01/04[/quote]

Good call:
"But he chooses to be an arse instead, using deliberately confusing terms or using them wrongly on purpose while trying to dig at people. It's about time someone said it. He can be a prick or he can talk, like anyone else. His call." -- Phill Phree - 01/04[/quote]

Most Helpful:
"Feel free to use the edit button over on the left at any time." -- Macaroo - 01/04[/quote]

The web of causation is infinite. -- DonQuixote - 01/04[/quote]

Sounds like something I'd say:
"Unlike 'W,' I don't have any rose-coloured glasses." -- Ken - 01/04[/quote]

"Since Public Safety must come first, anyone that perpetrates violence against another must not only be punished, but they must be locked away to protect the public at large from these dangerous, violent persons. I don't care if the violence was perpetrated against a homeless man, or the Prime Minister ... what's the difference?" -- cwinton - 01/04[/quote]

"You have things backwards - it's precisely because Clinton was busy performing oral sex in the oval office that Bush has faced three years of 'serious' problems." -- BarkleyUSA - 01/04[/quote]

Best Rebuttal:
"That's a perfect example of being handed a plate of gold and a silver-spoon ... but just 'tossing' it aside as 'irelevant.' What a wonderful bull-market, eh? Well, talk about pissin' on the parade ... with the immediate 'suck-off' of trillions from the US economy and handed over to the dictatorial-control of a few plutocrats, directly under the helm of Bush -- his 'friends' made a killing ... at the expense of 'Joe and Jane American Worker' mind, body and blood ... the 'true color' of 'compassionate-conservatism': BLOOD RED!" -- cwinton - 01/04[/quote]

Most Honest:

Plain ole' Bitchy:
"You wouldn't understand...go back to sleep." -- eelearner - 01/04[/quote]

Best Website Disclaimer:
"This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We make such material available in an effort to advance awareness and understanding of issues relating to civil rights, economics, individual rights, international affairs, liberty, science & technology, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission directly from the copyright owner.
For more information please visit:" -- Cornell's Website Disclaimer [/quote]

--------------- UPDATES -------------

"Hatred of various sorts promoted social changes of incalculable magnitude, for good or ill. Many could say that, by contrast, just as many actions could be attributed to "love" or "care", however I tend to think that without the contrast that hatred brings, such emotions would probably not even exist." -- SpyderJerusalem 01/15/04[/quote]

The Naked Truth:
[quote]"I would say it like this. When power is extremely concentrated in an unchecked and unaccountable elite, it makes no practical difference how that situation came about, or what sort of stories they tell to justify their rule. The result will be oppression, extreme and unlimited." -- DonQuixote 01/16/04[/quote]

The Bottom-Line:
"The work it takes for Blacks to overcome the "unfairness" of race is MUCH more taxing than the class struggles whites wage against each other in their efforts to achieve power and wealth." -- NubianUrbanite 01/16/04[/quote]

Universal Truth:
"I would rather have a dictatorship that leaves me alone and respects my rights than a democracy that pokes its nose in everything I do and undermines my rights repeatedly." -- bobbierookie 01/19/04[/quote]

Another Universal Truth:
"That's why I like these Ezboards, my eyes are constantly being opened to different ways of thinking. IMHO, once you stop learning, you stop growing and growth is essential to the evolution of higher intelligence."" -- Gyhideptis 01/20/04[/quote]

---------- UPATE 02/2004 (BELOW) -----------

Fact of Life:
"You can describe a kick in the ass as a meeting of posterior and shoe. Its still a kick in the ass." -- BostonDave 2/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

Universal Double-Standard-(B):
"It's weird how it is ok for Kids to see humans killing each other on the tube, but heavens forbid a part of a human body.

It is one of the many "gifts" passed down via Religion." -- Sintrest - 02/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

Universal Double-Standard-(A):
"It always struck me as very odd that American TV would happily show a man putting a pillow over a woman's face but not allow him to put it under her bum." -- FredFredson - 02/04[/quote]

And Now For Something Completely Rational:
"Extremists, no matter from what end, will always ruin or make things harder for the rational people in life." -- El Alumno - 02/04[/quote]

All-Time Best Quote:
**Best humor**
**Best Wit**
**Best Advice**
***Most Appeal***

"Aaaaacccchhhhooooooo! Excuse me ... I'm contentious." -- Thaanatos - 11/02[/quote]


Games and Honor:
"What he (Kerry) shouldn't do is fall into the same trap that Clinton did by playing the hypocrital self-righteous puerile Conservative game. In my mind I will take Liberal morality over Conservative morality anyday." -- BostonDave- 02/04[/quote]

------------------- upDATES 03/04 -----------------------------

The Number One Issue:
"I don't care if there is a raise in taxes..I'd rather dig my country out of the massive hole this adminsitration has dug for us..I do not want to leave this mess for my kids." Goddesscon - 03/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

First Major Political Prediction 2004:
Kerry is running against his record.

An experienced mountain climber would feel the fear on that mountain." -- Local Brew 03/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

Establishment FACTOID:
"As I see it, my dim little view, is that there exists one belief system that says a person has a 'natural right' to determine if they want to remain pregnant until a fetus reaches a point in development that it is considered a potential taxpayer, and one belief system that contends that society has a God given right and duty to protect the life of that potential church member from conception onward." -- Robberts - 03/04[/quote]

Kerry Factoid #1:
[quote]"Terrorists know that no one can stop them. It's a silly arguement is my point... terrorists vote for Kerry. It's just silly. It's also BS.
What is important to understand, which it seems many people do not, is that if there is more of a rationale to terrorize then more terror will happen. Putting them all in jail will never happen, finding them all will never happen, and we can make a huge effort without success at the expense of our liberty." -- JD - 03/04[/quote]

The Best Humor Is A Good Point That Makes You Think ...
[quote]"A vote For Abortion is a vote For Terrorism!
Brought to you by Sarcasm For Stupid" -- ninjalooter1701 - 03/04[/quote]

Poetic INjustice ...
[quote]"This site is neither pro or anti anything....this site is the can tell because of the librull corpses lying all around, riddled with the bullet holes of truth..." -- Thaanatos - 03/04[/quote]

Most Honest Political Assessment
(and Proof Positive that the Hegelian Dialectic is the Status Quo Bible):
[quote]"My point is that extremists on either side contribute nothing IMHO, and in the US where the non-compassionate conservatives currently have the power -- radical left extremism will not help the legitimate liberal cause, or put another way, get us closer to something we can live with or compromise on because the truth is that democratic goverment is a compromise and many times we are voting for the lesser of the evils because no group to the far left or the far right is going to get elected. I'm practical, not radical in my liberalism. My beliefs and principles could be characterized as a combination of socialism and liberalism in the purely theoretical sense, not the pejorative definition assigned to liberalism and socialism by the right wing nutters." -- SheWolf2001 - 03/04[/quote]

My Favorite Things...
[quote]"I simply refuse to allow anyone else to push my emotional buttons, or let anybody else's crappy moods darken my happy life." -- Socrates - 03/04[/quote]

Stark Reality:
[quote]"At the same time, I see insults of any kind as an antagonist trying to emotionally manipulate my line of thinking. So the person throwing the insults throws you off your game, and engages you in one he/she is obviously comfortable in. I'm only human. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't." -- GunnyL - 03/04[/quote]

Right ON:
[quote]"It IS funny what sets people off. The things I think are over the top go unnoticed, while stuff that wouldn't upset an innocent child start a friggin' jihad - go figure." -- BullneuteredJM - 03/04[/quote]

A Shared Sentiment:
[/quote]"I am very glad there are not liberal radio shows like Rush limbaugh and that type of crap. You can poison your own minds with them, but I'd rather not have any of that crap on the left side of the spectrum." -- Larkin - 03/04[/quote]

Reaffirming Affirmative Action:
[quote]"How do you get rid of discrimination ? One of the best, if not the best, way is some form of education. The best kind of education is always personal experience. The more people come into contact with blacks or other minority groups, the more they will be tolerant of them. Whether it be at work, at school or wherever, diversity is an important aspect of social life. If diversity dosen't happen naturally, you create it." -- Larkin - 03/04[/quote]

Speaking For Billions ...
[quote]"I guess I choose to believe the most people, regardless of whether they support Bush or not care about other humans being killed in our world. Will I cry more if it is my sister or father that is killed? Of course..... but if it is a stranger, will that make it any less of a tragedy or any less of a reason that I want someone different in the White House who makes decisions that I think make the world safer for Americans and others I care about? The answer is a resounding no." -- SheWolf2001 - 03/04[/quote]

What The Pledge Really Alleges:
[quote]"Whether or not the majority of people in this country are deluded into thinking that being American means being Christian, we cannot allow this majority of idiots to bypass the Constitutional separation of church and state, not when that separation was put in place to guarantee that the freedoms of all citizens remain intact. I believe "under God" should be stricken from the Pledge because we are not pledging allegiance to a nation that only exists under God, we're pledging allegiance to a nation that exists in the minds and hearts of its people. There is a difference." -- KoalaGigolo - 04/04[/quote]

About Free Speech:
[quote]" Sooner or later the ol' "'if it wasn't for the US we wouldn't have free speech"' line was going to come and here it is. So we should be grateful that you gave us free speech even though you object when we use it? Get off the stage!" -- Flukey - 04/04[/quote]

More Than Just A Candle In The Wind ...
[quote]" I believe that most people are essentially good, but that bad people often make more noise. I believe that when people are jealous of others' enjoyment (of their friends, of life, of peace, of their own good hearts) they ridicule that enjoyment in an attempt to belittle it. I believe those tactics don't work, and that all the genuinely joyful people can see that it's just the bitter and hate-filled people twisting in the wind.

I believe in love." -- Yorkist - 04/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

A little tip:
[quote]"El, you should tell us how much you weigh - so if you fell in a barrel of shit, we'd know how much to dip out. " -- Sinterest - 05/04[/quote]

Maximum Truth:
[quote]"If you're going to quote scripture don't waste your time. I scroll past it and those words are powerless over evil and can therefore not claim responsibility for good." -- Atenhotep - 05/19/04[/quote]

Duty and Honor:
[quote]I have been unjustly wronged any number of times in my life. By people, companies, the government - you name it. We all have. Now, I can take what lessons I can from each of those experiences, in order to make myself less prone to abuse in the future, or I can spend my energy seeking to "get even". I have a finite amount of energy. How I choose to spend it, and to what ends, is strictly my personal choice. I would like to think I have made a wiser choice, in seeking to spend the bulk of my energy in moving my life forward, rather than seeking revenge for all the past injustices I have suffered. I will admit seeking revenge on a number of occasions, and feeling very good about it when I did prevail. But I will make a distinction here. Seeking revenge is one thing. Seeking justice, so whatever it was that happened to you does not happen to anyone in the future, that is quite another thing. And a rather righteous pursuit, in many folks' eyes. The Old Edmund Burke quote about "All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing", or something like that. That is not revenge. It is, some might argue, the bounden duty of all good citizens, in seeking to make and keep their society fair and just. -- Toolman - 0504[/quote]

The Abu Ghraib Principle:
[quote]"The reason the kkk is still allowed to operate, is because individuals who get caught committing the crimes supported by the group, they take responsibility, and do not implicate the group as a whole. It is very difficult to "prove" their involvement, even if everyone knows the trademarks. Is it some kid playing a joke? Place someone specific at the scene of the crime... was it ordered from higher up, or just clandestinely encouraged?" -- Xenchantresse - 05/04[/quote]

2004 Presidential Debate Winner:
[quote]"Anyone who is on the ballot in enough states to make them eligible to attain the minimum number of electoral votes (270) needed to win the election should be allowed to debate. While this may present a fearful situation for the two entrenched parties, it is the only way we will ever get a true discussion of the issues from ALL sides, instead of the current Democrat versus Democrat-Lite quibbling we get now. " -- KSoDBartman - 10/04[/quote]

Zan on 'Box-Thinking' ...
[quote]"I find it interesting that there are two groups in our society who are so completely opposed that, given the spherical shape of our world, they have met up at the same point.

One is the proselytising religious tendency: the other is the proselytising scientific tendency.

For both, it is not enough that they should believe/disbelieve: others must forfeit their belief/disbelief." -- Zan de Man - 11/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

From the "I never thought of that" Department":
[quote]" ... it reminds me of all the anti choice hypocrites who want the unwanted 50 million aborted fetuses to be living today, but abhor the thought of any welfare system for them." -- Sinterest - 12/04[/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

[quote]Just the Facts Ma'am, Just the Facts:
[quote]"To believe that for some reason today's world leaders are benevolent altruists who care for the common man would be rather gullible. People don't join the government to help the common man, they join to further their own political careers, and if PRETENDING to care for soccer moms and Joe 6-pack dads is what is needed to get them elected (and it is), that is what they will do." -- [b]Paleo-Conservative[/b] - 12/04 - http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

[quote]'They' Do What They Want:
[quote]"Liberal pontificating is yet another of these handy little socio-political checks and balances that seem to be littered around the place- PR to keep the masses happy that coincidentally restrains the worst despotic impulses of the ruling class. " -- Neko - 12/04 - http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

[quote]Where we are:
[quote]The way things are these days, I'd almost say that being for any candidate from either major party is anti-America." -- BooRadley - 12/04 http://www.EggToothMusic.Com [/quote][/quote]

[quote]Why we're here:
[quote="toolman846"]Your state of ignorance, and your continued right to enjoy it, were purchased for you by generations past, who DID know that fear, and determined to create a place where their progeny would not. And I thank my lucky stars I was born here, in this place, in this time, and have told my kids many times just how lucky thye are to be blessed with that same fortune. But for the vagaries of fate, they could be much worse off, or dead - or never have been born at all.

Thank you, to all those who came before me, and made my world what it is today, that I may live in relative peace and comfort, and I pray that I am worthy to carry that station, and help to pass on the torch to the future, brighter than it was when it was handed to me.-- Toolman846 - 12/04 [/quote]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

Those Lazy Republicans:
[quote]Either you adopt to new environments, or you die. Which is why conservatism is in essence the lazy mans way out, which he takes to a fatal end. -- Imperator - 12/04 - [url=]PoliticalCrossfire[/url][/quote] -

A sad, sad, sad, reality:
[quote]"What's really sad is that the republicans were all up in arms over Clinton lying about having sex in the white house, but they're ok with Bush lying about WMDs. What a sad world we live in when the sex acts of a president are more important than people dying over a president's lies." -- TheNextEra - 01/05 - [url=[/url]http://www.PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Com

A Witty Draft:
[quote="Divinity11"]Iran? What a minute...what's that I smell?....ooohh, a draft! -- Divinity11 - 01/05 - [url=]PoliticalCrossfire[/url][/quote] -

The Truth About Iraq:
[quote="Praxis"]If the U.S. wanted to win in Iraq it would either have had to win the hearts and minds of the Sunni's in the beginning, or it needed to grind up the Sunni loyalists on the battlefield. The lightning victory followed by disbanding the Iraqi army was the worst possible approach. They weren't defeated on the battle field, they melted away in to the population and then faced long term unemployment, loss of power to the Shia, and humiliation at the hands of the U.S. It was a perfect storm for creating a massive insurgency which is what Iraq is today.-- Praxis -- 01/05 -[/quote] -

[quote][b]The 'Supremacy' factor :[/b]

[quote="StarryArrow"]Look, no WMD were EVER FOUND. Saddam killed people with technologies WE GAVE HIM. And so now, the only thing you can JUSTIFY for going to war with Saddam is because there MIGHT be some link between him and Osama Bin Laden (which really isn't true). Well, starting a WAR where thousands of innocent people are killed based on MIGHT, COULD HAVE, or "I'VE GOT A HUNCH" is not good enough. If we're going to start wars based on this kind of logic, we best start breeding a lot of soldiers so we can just go out and kill everyone. -- [url=]StarryArrow[/url]-- 02/05[/quote][/quote] -

[quote][b]The 'War For Peace'[/b] :

I never came here to say that the act of killing innocents is wrong. Im saying that the state is as bad as the terrorists in many cases and the states seek to gain the moral high ground by inventing a non existant concept such as the "war on terror". Its an ethical hypocrisy and though ordained for perhaps good reasons, it serves to do nothing in the real war: "the war for peace".(Cor check the irony in that) --Sherborne - 3/05 -

[quote][b]Facts, Not Fear:[/quote][/b]
[quote="morph"]Why not just teach them to use a condom and have safer sex? Kids are going to do it whether or not you try and scare the crap out of them. Teach them how to be safe. On a similar note, 45k Americans die on the road each year. Are you going to tell them not to drive? Or are you going to teach them how to drive safely and hope that somebody else taught them personal responsibility? -- 'morph' - 04/05 -